Scalaxia for Android

Scalaxia for android was just released by Jug-C Member Ragunath Jawahar who is also the Founder and  CTO of Mobs and Geeks

Scalaxia is a project by Java User Group Chennai , It aggregates tweets related to the Scala Language , It is built using the Scala language itself and it runs on Google App Engine

Here are a few screenshots


And here is a video of it in action


The App can be Downloaded from here

Netbeans Platform Training

Weekends are usually a time for relaxation and to catch up with some personal projects which are due over the week. But last weekend was something different , Attending NetBeans Platform Certified Training  was really different experience .

Netbeans usually brings to mind the picture of an IDE , but there is also another Side to it , The Platform side , Netbeans Platform is a base platform for building some amazing swing based applications with relative ease and extensive re-useability coupled with Loose Coupling .

The workshop was conducted over video conference by Mr.Geertjan Wielenga who gave us an enlightening experience over the weekend of some of the most interesting Features of the Netbeans Platform .

Here is are a few pics:

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

Here is a link to Geertjan Wielenga’s blog post about the training

This workshop was organized by Rajmahendra Ji on behalf of  Java User Group Chennai .

How to Create a Twitter Like Retweet Links

Twitter is one of the most visited social networking sites , and one of the factors in their success is the intuitiveness of  the user interface .

In this tutorial We are going to learn how to create a twitter like mouse over effect for retweet , favorite links

Twitter mouse over effect

To achieve this effect we are going to be using HTML, CSS and jQuery .

First the HTML :

<div class="<span class=">TweetContainer"></div>
        		<div class="Tweet">
        			<span class="TweetAuthor">
        			<span class="TweetText">
        				I am #Bond, #James Bond ! @JamesBond007
<div class="<span class=">TweetActions"></div>


We create a Container DIV and 2 separate DIVs one for the Tweet and another for the TweetActions. The actual Tweet content is put inside the Tweet DIV and TweetActions contains Favorite and ReTweet .

Next The Styling

                		margin: 15 auto;
                		width: 500px;
                		height: 70px;
                		background: #C7EEFE;
                		padding: 30px;
                		border-radius: 15px;
                		font-family:  Arial,sans-serif
                		border-color: #B7EEFE;
                		position: relative;
                		left: 300px;
                		cursor: pointer

And now comes the jQuery Code

                        	//Hide the Favorite and Retweet Buttons
                        	//Trigger the Mouse over action
                        		 * Show the Retweet and Favorite buttons for the Current
                        		 * Tweet
                        		//Highlight the Current Tweet by changing the background Color

                        	//Trigger the mouse leave action
                        		 * Hide the Retweet and Favorite buttons for the Current
                        		 * Tweet
                        		//Change the background color of the Current Tweet to normal

Putting it all together we get


To get the full Source code just save the Demo Page as html and open it with a text editor .

As always comments and Suggestions are welcome .
Please Post your comments below

Gmail Preview Pane

Gmail wasn’t the first web mail interface that I used but it is certainly the best I have ever used. The best web mail interface just got better with a new feature called Preview Pane , which provides a twitter like view for you Gmail page , and greatly improves your productivity .

This feature can be enabled from gmail Labs .

Via : Gmail Blog

Transparency Reports from Google

Here is another  reason why google is so brilliant , its because Google is socially and ethically responsible .

Google has added reports about Government requests to remove content from Google’s services like Youtube or Blogger .

They have also added a Traffic Analysis tool to show traffic activity from different Countries .

Its Good that Internet Giant is doing the right thing by supporting transparency , which is the first step towards to eradicating all under the table activities and Internet Censorship

From : and India – Google Transparency Report

So as always Please post your comments and suggestions .

A few Fun Wallpapers For you Linux Desktop

Here are a Few of My Favourite Linux Wallpapers :

  1. Photobucket
  2. Photobucket
  3. Photobucket
  4. Photobucket
  5. Photobucket
  6. Photobucket
  7. Photobucket
  8. Photobucket
  9. Photobucket
  10. Photobucket

The most Impressive doodle by Google

This the most amazing use of Web technologies by Google and the best part is that this animation is not FLASH . I wish they would release the Source Code to this .


The Doodle was not an Animated GIF , but instead it was a Large PNG sprite consisting of each individual frame  and some JavaScript and CSS Magic , which makes it Even More Impressive !! 2 :

The Animated Doodle was created by Cartoonist Ryan Woodward , and here is the official Video .

A new Awesome Google Chrome Ad

I have loved Google chrome since the day I started using it , and here is an Ad which showcases the features of the browser with a good emotional quotient to it .

Firing up Ubuntu with the 4th Fox

Firefox 4 (stable) was released yesterday (March 22 , 2011), So I decided to write an article on how to install firefox 4 on Ubuntu the easy way.

Now if you goto to download the latest version on linux you prompted to download a file called  firefox-4.0.tar.bz2

but many people don’t know how install this file , well the easier method is to download the latest version from Firefox stable PPA

but before you do this make sure to uninstall any beta versions.

Open terminal and type the following commands
First thing to do is add the Firefox stable PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable

then before we can install firefox we need to update the PPA

sudo apt-get update

Finally we can install Firefox

sudo apt-get install firefox

And thats it , firefox will now download and install itself , Simple and Easy !

FLEX ible Builder !

I recently attended a 2 Symposiums at some colleges whose name I don’t want to mention, I was a participant in Web Designing Competition in both . In the first one , I really did not plan , I just made a mash up with jQuery , but in the Second one, I put some effort into planning and I designed a really cool website with jQuery UI , I deserved  at least a 2nd  prize , but my tough luck would have it , I didn’t win anything !

I noticed then winners of both the competitions were students who created something very basic with Flash , My creating was comparatively complex and had more features , but Students who did Flash got real preference.

I set out to Solve this , I Applied to the program that adobe was offering Flex Builder 4 for free to students ,and I got a reply with a free serial Key .


Then I set out to Learn Flash under flex SDK 4.1.

This was a bit more difficult than I Thought , but I Finally managed to Understand MxML and Action Script .

Armed with this Knowledge I made a Simple Calculator ( )


Being a guy who Likes Open Source stuff , I have made the source code available for free.

Just Right Click  –> View Source


In view source mode you get to see the source code and also to download a Zip version .

A nice Feature that is easily built with Flex Builder .


I was surprised to Learn How simple Action Script really is .

Action Script ,JavaScript ,Java , C++ … all these languages are like cousins , You Know one , the other is really similar .

MxML on the other hand is pure XML , but its very easy with Autocomplete Enabled.

So the First Step of My Flash Learning Process is officially complete.

Now I can officially add this to my Resume` .