Nine Tips to Getting Selected for a Job

Most of the time people become a “Yes man” with a slightly overconfident attitude , but That may not work all the time .

Here is a List of Nine Tips that may help from Tech Republic.

 Don’t try to impress them with your dress, attitude, or speech. It will backfire. Be honest, direct, and authentic. Look decent and be comfortable in your own skin.


Your Presentation Sucks !!

I was one of those people who barely did any research for my classes when I had to take a seminar , but when an opportunity to do a real proper presentation came my way ,  I needed a guide on what makes a Presentation great , and what not to do !

So after about 15minutes of searching I found this  .

So now equipped with this Knowledge I set out to make the most Awesome presentation I have ever made , and I am quite satisfied with the results, Everything now rests on my Speech ,which I am quite Confident about !