Adding Mongo DB driver to XAMPP

Like many developers I use XAMPP for PHP development. But adding PHP extensions in xampp to does not seem to have a direct procedure . So when I wanted mongodb drivers I was on my own to figure out how to get it working . Here is the knowledge I gained .

I am using Ubuntu oneiric ocelot machine so this procedure is similar for all *NIX machines  (Sorry windows users but the procedure must similar).

  1. First download and install Mongo db from
  2. Secondly download the PHP MongoDB driver source from
  3. Now to compile the code
    1. You need phpize to compile the source code, so install php5-devpackage by running `sudo apt-get install php5-dev`
    2. Navigate into the mongo-php-driver directory and run `phpize` on the terminal
    3. Then run `./configure` to check for dependencies
    4. Run `make` to build the package
  4. Assuming XAMPP is installed at `/opt/lampp/` copy `` and `` from `modules` directory inside mongo-php-driver directory to `/opt/lampp/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/` directory
  5. Add the line `` to  `/opt/lampp/etc/php.ini`
  6. Start mongodb and xampp servers and run the program test program from to check if it is working